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Showing posts from November, 2009

Simple tools for PC cleanup:

Image via Wikipedia Clean up is always a good thing when it comes to keeping your PC clean and also making it perform better while saving some disk space at the same time. Few days back while I was goggling hoping to find a software tool that can remove older java versions installed in my computer, I got lucky - I found a tool named " JavaRa " at this site: . It removed older versions of java and created a log for me see what it actually removed. That's so cool! I found another cleanup tool in that same site ; it is called " PureRa ". This tool removes certain files that resides in your PC and left there untouched/unused. The removal of these files saves quite a lot of space in the hard disk. After I ran this tool in my Windows Vista PC, it removed a whopping 1.5 GB of files which is what it said in the log file. Yes - it displays a log listing all the safe-to-be-removed files which it deleted safely. It worked ...

Check emails in multiple Gmail accounts at once!!

Image by Gubatron via Flickr I have three Gmail accounts and I wanted to check email in both the accounts at the same time. I goggled on how to do this ad got many solutions like log in into different browsers, etc..But they seemed a lot of work to me. Then one day when I was checking my hotmail using outlook 2003, an idea flashed right before my eyes - I found a solution for checking emails in more that one Gmail account in one step!!! What that idea??!? Well, it's pretty simple and I guess you would have figured how to do that by now :) If not read on to know how I did this. Simply open the outlook email application and add "as many' Gmail accounts you have one at a time. And once you're done just click the "Send/Receive" button and Outlook will check for new emails in all of those Gmail accounts that you have!!! If you need help setting up a Gmail in Outlook check out this link -

Cannot delete Folder?!?!!

Image via Wikipedia "Cannot delete Folder: It is being used by another person or program." Have you ever had difficult time deleting a folder. Every time you tried to delete it you get a message from windows "Cannot delete Folder: It is being used by another person or program." This happened to me when I tried to delete the Adode 8 folder in my "C:\Program Files\ Adobe ". You might want to try a cool software called "Unlocker" which will make sure that folder you could not delete gets deleted successfully!! Download Unlocker